Rabu, 16 November 2011

kelemahan dan kelebihan sistem politik di indonesia

weaknesses and strengths of political system in Indonesia

  Any politics that embraced by every country definitely has its advantages and
kelemahan.Begitu also with the political system adopted by Indonesia, which has bothadvantages and disadvantages.
There are several advantages of the political system in Indonesia embrace, among others:

a. Citizens can be involved in certain things such as making political decisions, either directly or through representatives of their choosing.
b. Citizens have the freedom or independence concerning the rights of freedom whichhave been included in human rights (such as political rights, economic, equality before thelaw and government, cultural expression, and personal rights).
c. People who have met certain requirements have the right to participate in governmentelections (elections).
Residents choose p in secret without any elements of compulsion.
e. Decision making is done by way of deliberation to reach consensus.
f. Give priority to national unity and kinship.

Weaknesses of the political system in Indonesia embrace, among others:

a. There is a conflict between the communities, if they are involved in politics the samething and have different views.
b. With the freedom of expression, then the people arbitrarily removing the contents of his heart, despite the negative nature that usually goes to the government in is lacking in love.
c. Have not been able to ensure distributive justice, because the nature of the politicalarena provides the opportunity to compete.
d. The process of economic progress that has been achieved so far will beratakan,because the government was overwhelmed in executing its leadership because of differences in ethnicity, language, and others. which led to their principles are different.

2 komentar:

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